Tip #4 for Achieving Your Sharpest Near Vision
Tip #4 for top performance; we think won’t come as a surprise:
Try Not to Break Up a Session
You might be tempted to take a break in the middle of a training session and come back later. This is something you must avoid doing – it’s similar to a workout session – if you do half the training it won’t be as effective. Try to complete each session in 1 sitting.
Each session is designed to be short to make it easier for you to complete in one go.
If you find your eyes are tired or tearing up and you need a break, try closing your eyes for a few seconds and then opening. Then continue the session.
Remember that GlassesOff is training your brain to process visual information more effectively. Just like your body experiences fatigue when you exercise at the gym, your eyes might experience fatigue during or after the session. This is normal.
Do your best not to break up sessions to experience your best results possible.
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